Walking Worthy
I found an Oswald Chambers book. I discovered, "My Utmost for His Highest" about two years ago and love that man and all that God flowed through him.
So last night I was back in my hotel, in this little college town, USA and found the following passage in my new book:
"Get into the real work of intercession, and remember it is a work, a work that taxes every power; but a work that has no snare.”
And this one:
“I do believe that by intercessory prayer, as Jesus Himself has told us, the great power of God works in ways we cannot conceive.”
Oswald says about those we bring to Him in prayer, “to bring them before God’s throne and give the Holy Spirit a chance to intercede for them.”
It is a work of the Holy Spirit praying through you. So last night I prayed for my friend whom I have spend many, many hours in prayer over in the past year or so. Part of the work is faith, and not being limited by thoughts that the prayer doesn’t matter or is not effective.
On the television the other day as I was flipping through the channels, on this little vacation of mine, I flipped by a preacher who was discussing being an intercessor (what a coincidence). He said, “How do you know who you are to be an intercessor for?” And then he answered his own question with another question, “Whose pain do you feel? Whose success do you want?”
So I prayed these past couple of days on and off for the specific things that the Lord had laid on my heart for her. Meanwhile, frankly it hurts.
Yesterday when I was at Wal-Mart with my daughter I found a $1.00 little 8 by 10 inch little poster. I bought it to bring home and put on the little bulletin board next to my desk in my office. I put it up against the plastic ice bucket and plastic cups in the hotel room and last night I was struck by that gun staring at me from across the room. The picture has a green army man laying on the ground. That is not my type of style first of all, so that is partly why it is kind of startling, kind of fresh. Under the picture of the man with a big gun pointed at the camera was the following saying:
“BRAVERY It takes an extraordinary person to face danger and maintain composure.”
Intercessory prayer is a war. Being a friend is a battle. Maintaining composure is being kind the way God says to be kind. It is being gracious when you want to spit up. When you just spent 3 hours you don’t have praying to God on behalf of someone that doesn’t know.
Over the years of being married to an unbeliever for so many years, having been saved while already married, has taught me that God hears my prayers. It has shown me that my only refuge, my only peace, my only life is in Christ Himself. There is no other life. I don’t want any other life. I’ve given up claim to anything and everything, until I feel like I am starting to bleed, then I realize how superficial and frivolous I actually am. Last night as I prayed for myself, I prayed that I would be brave. To be able to do anything God would have me to do and go through, and on the tails of that prayed for nothing to difficult and to be favored and successful. Praise God, He knows that we are but dust. That is why the psalmist asks, I suppose, “What is man that Thou art mindful of Him?”
Paul said, “For I want you to know how great a struggle I have on your behalf (Col 2:1).”
And he also said “For you have died and you life is hidden with Christ in God (Col 3:3).”
May God help us and bless you!
posted by An Ordinary Christian | 6:36 AM