Like a peacock with a beautiful bouquet,
Like a quiet shepherd in the back side of the wilderness
With the boldness of a boy protecting the sheep from the lion and bear
Use me like the widow with the two final coins,
The woman at the well,
The woman caught in adultery
You alone own my destiny
You alone are worthy that I should obey
You are entitled to my thoughts
You are valued in all that I do and think to do and want to do
As a child, bless me with the Perfect Father’s love
As a dependent, meet my every need
As a student, teach me to find my every pleasure in You
As a created girl, I laugh with the pleasure of carefree wonder
And as Your workmanship, the Father is glorified in the fruit of the Vine
I will run and not grow weary,
I will run and not grow faint
I will be lifted on eagle’s wings
I will glorify the King
My life is as temporary as a glass of cold water
As transient as a vapor
As brief as a sunrise and sunset
As glorious as the Father’s mercy upon a lost soul
For future times to come
Thou wilt be glorified
Not in what I have done
But what You have done with me
I will let out a deep-seated laughter
From the belly I will be set free in wondrous pleasure
As I think of the things of God
And the secret pleasure I know
There are no words
Only wonder
There is no audience
And there is no repeated confirmation
But only if you believe
All I know is that I was blind and now I see
All I know is I am poor but am well-fed and satisfied
All I know is there is only one sweet spot
There is only one place of refuge
And that is on my Father’s knee
At my Savior’s breast
With my head against his chest
And like a newborn babe
All I want is Him
Today I am blessed
Tomorrow He will hold me
And when I forget his sweet safety in Him
He will be faithful and let me stumble on my knee
Like a lamb who has had many broken limbs
I have come to know the Shepherds voice
I have come to crave the pure milk
I have come to know that I am very weak, and blind and rather obtuse
But my Shepherd is the One I love
He is the One I lean upon
He is One I look to when I know to look
I know that He is faithful
And I thank Him for all He has done for me today
I just can’t really believe it
Yet the evidence is plain
That He is for me
That He loves me
That He has called me and commissioned me
That He ever lives to make intersession for me
He is my Advocate
He is my Wonderful Counselor
And I am a fool for Christ’s sake
They can take me away and I don’t care
I have all I need
Right here with Him
He has been so good to me
I just am out of words to thank Him enough
posted by An Ordinary Christian | 6:46 PM