My Prayers
I have a prayer card on my body and body image and I wrote about that in my other blog this morning. (Go back to my dashboard to find it.)
I have 8.5 x 11 yellow sheets in plastic protector covers, each with a day of the week that has various prayers and Scriptures on it. Thursday has a big MBA across it, as well as our business names and future (hopefully) business names, a future project that I desire with my mother and grandmother, my daughter's next summer plans and several verses. Also, is a picture of fish that I developed after a conversation with my Pastor who advised me regarding the MBA (a degree program), to remind me of the Scripture verses and promise that he gave me. The verses are from Deuteronomy 17:14-20 regarding what rulers and leaders are supposed to do, and these verses:
"Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who heard my prayers and lifted me from the ash heap." Well, that isn't a verse. It is taken from Hannah's prayer in I Samuel.
"Now to Him who is able to keep you from falling to the only wise God and Savior be praise, glory, honor, dominion and power forever."
"Whatever you do in hand or deed do all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
""Whatever you find you hand doing, do all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
"Not by power not by might but by my Spirit says the Lord of Hosts."
I have a series of index cards that I pray from, that remind me of my current prayers and concerns. One card is about my husband's 50th birthday party Dec 30. Another is about God's promise and the "law of use" and how I need to respect my husband and to honor him for the good things that he is doing and God will enable him to do more in time. Another card has the statement on it, "It is an honor to suffer for Him for the kingdom. Count it a privilege and I have written on it a couple of ways that I am inconvenienced because I am trying to be honoring to my husband, and consequently there are things that I endure that hurt me. A bright pink card is a prayer that my husband would have "SUBMISSION TO YOUR LAWS, to Who You are, to have bold, direct and accepted witness of Christ and to be a light to his family” and many of his family members would proclaim a saving faith and I have the people's names listed.
I have a church bulletin and from it, it reminds me to pray for their unity.
I wrote a devotional letter the other day that says in part, "Naked and empty I come...No, I am filled up with myself...and I ask God that the next 20 years of my life would be like Philippians 3:14, and be filled with His dreams and not my own, His pursuits, and not mine, and that I would spend it on the interests of Jesus Christ.
Another paper I have is a series of complicated pictures of the parts of myself and how God is bringing all the parts of myself together into a mighty and complete bullet for Him, in Jesus Christ.
Another sheet has my various interests and ministries listed on a visual diagram.
I have the MBA catalog that I look at and pray about and think about what God is doing and on it I have written, "I want to know Christ wherever He tells me to go."
I have a picture that I drew that lays out on two halves, one of the Bible Study ministry that God currently has, and the other half about my work and doing what God wants me to do there, including the MBA (if Lord wills) and between the two halves is a statement that reads,” God has a greater, fuller plan He will work our through you," meaning that beyond these things, God has more.
Then finally I have a large post-it note that has 7 items of prayer request regarding my husband. They state:
Magnify his ability to support emotionally the kids and me as a coach
Heal his grieved and troubled heart
Remove discouragement and bring encouragement
Bring him into the body of Christ functioning as a member and restore him and eliminate loneliness
Eliminate fears of being subjugated to a woman and fear of inadequacy. Christ makes us adequate.
Protect him from adulteresses
Have him to hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Finally I have a flip daily prayer calendar written by Stormy (forget the last name) on praying for your husband.
May God use this example to help you and inspire you my friends in developing an exciting prayer life with God.
After prayer time, then do Bible Study.
May the Spirit of God be with you all.
posted by An Ordinary Christian | 5:38 AM