Bradley's eye is so much better and the eye doctor says that he will have normal vision. He used to not be able to see the big E on the chart due to his eye injury after he shot himself in the eye with an air pellet gun a couple/few weeks ago. He said that he said it was an E because he remembered that the big letter is always an E. May God show him that He allowed the eye to be injured and He healed the eye and that God is in charge over his life and his life is not his own. May Bradly lovingly submit to God more and may God protect him from evil and from temptation.
The Alaska trip was amazing. The food experience was something else. More details on my other blog you can find at my dash board.
Well, I am just going to take a minute here. Sorry to lack background information if you haven't read every single blog that I have ever written (exageration) about some things and not much humor or expansion here - just dry bones I guess. I am trying to get on a bike and ride to the "club" for a 5:30 class, and then ride back. Then I want to get ready for dinner and go out with my husband and go to bed. Tomorrow, Lord willing, maybe I can do a yoga/pilates class, go to work, come home and do some paperwork that I need to do around the house, in between while connecting with the family as I do the paperwork at home. Family connection is important. That's why the dinner with husband! And it will be fun too.
I decided that my dream vacation is a trip around the world with my husband and maybe a nice couple that I know on a cruise ship lasting 3.25 months and am praying about it for 2014!!
May God bless all who have read this and may God bless them in that they would find something meaningful for their lives, in Jesus name, AMEN!
UPDATE at 7:05 PM: I didn't bike over to the club. I sent an email instead and time slipped away and I bearly got to the club in time for the class by car. I think that I was wrong for writing that I was going to bike over to the club and I think there was pride involved that tempted me to write it, even though at the time I thought that I was going to ride the bike and had planned it out and had aspirations to do it; but as I wrote the words, a tinge came over me not to write it, and then the tinge of pride came in and I wrote it anyway. Then I moved on to the next thing which was sending the email and looked at the time and realized that I had to get rushing to get to the class. I felt uncomfortable and wasn't sure why. I put together the above details about the temptation, pride and sin as I was driving to the club and I asked God for forgiveness, and prayed about the consequences and now here I am fixing it, and feeling a little foolish. See how temptation and sin works and how God "speaks" to us and how we can't ignore these silly little things because they are not silly at all. They are the patterns of our eternal souls.
I feel very tired from the exercise and I will wait and see what does or does not get done at the club tomorrow. I am sort of in the process of emptying my car, sticking a load of clothes in the wash and getting ready to go out with hubby. My children and husband are in a movie for a little while longer. (Journaling is fun. Journaling is fun. Journaling is fun. Well, for some of us it is!) God Bless You!
posted by An Ordinary Christian | 4:52 PM