Saturday, September 29, 2007

Requesting Help

My week can be summarized as follows: Number 1: Asking God for help. Number 2: Crying to God for help. Number 3: Begging God for help. Number 4: Go back to number 1 and begin again.

My week can also be summarized as follows: Remembering that God does not need my strength but my weakness. Realizing that God is in control. Being filled for the next moment.

The highlight of my week is as follows: Praying for and knowing that God will and even has answered the following prayer: That God can and will equip me to perform a specific task He has called me to do. He can and will provide an enablement by His Holy Spirit to do His will. He has given me everything that I need to do His will.

The following concepts in my mind and life are changing: I am restructuring what I am to do and not to do at the hospital and at school. I am allowing God to use my time and not to try and impose on Him exactly what I think I should do with the time.

My prayer is as follows:

Dear Father: I know that You have directed me in some specific ways, so I am not going to go over those things again and again. If I am off target and off track, I trust You to bring me back in line with Your will. With that being understood, please enable me to do the things that are before me to do. Let me be successful and to find favor with God and man. Make our hospital an incredible wonder. Thank you for blessing us there and for passing the important Medicare survey last week, completely reinstating all privileges and removing any black mark against the hospital. Be with the other pending matter and clear that up next week in a great way. Then let everything be without blemish or bad reputation for the future. Please cause the relationships there to be touched by You. Please cause the work flow between all the interacting relationships to be unencumbered. Touch each person that works and is treated there. Please help me to be a useful contributing member to my School team, while at the same time not spending much time actually working. That is, to be effective and efficient and appreciated. Help me when I am at class to be able to answer all the questions given me with wisdom and grace. Provide for me the spirit of wisdom and revelation discussed in Ephesians. Please bless the Bible Study and thank you so very much for lifting up this study and putting it under Your power and control and not under mine. Help me to be prepared and have blessing with how to lead the discussion study. Bless each woman there. Help them not to be limited by their own previous assumptions from their denomination. Use them in their churches. Bless their words in the study and in bless their lives. Cause them to deeply grow in love for You. Give them joy in the Lord and to see and know the reality of Your power and pleasure. Lord, I thank You for the peace that You have put into our home and I know that is because my husband followed what You told him to do in having the children go to Capital this year. Thank you that You have constrained Him to do Your will, and how You are using Him. Please help him in the various areas of His life that need Your direction and control. Protect each of my children and draw them into a tight relationship with You, in the way like I described for the women in the Bible Study. Help my husband and I to continue to work incredibly together in the great tasks we each have to do at this time. Please enable my husband to continue to carry all that he is with the children and to do it with the joy and ease that he has shown. Clearly these things are from Your hand. Help with the various other duties and tasks that come up for me to do. It seems impossible, but I thank You that You have helped me to stand firm and move forward and not to be overwhelmed. Use these pressures to rearrange the way that I see and do things. Please keep me and hold me because You know that I really am completely and totally unable to do the things that I am actually doing at this time. Help me that I do not lose confidence in You, that I continue to look to You. Help me with my anxiety and timidity in assuming the role and position that You have called me to do. Help me to walk down the halls with the power and confidence of the fact that I am redeemed of Christ and am Your own possession. I am Your pot, cracked and all, and through these cracks, shine forth Your glory.

posted by An Ordinary Christian | 7:55 PM


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