Cut to the Chase update and a note on being a lioness
Been so busy at work because three doctors are gone, and was frustrated that three or four nights this week I had to go back to the hospital to finish up my work. On the other hand, I did sneak away for two 3 hour blocks to go to the club exercise! (How fun is that?)
Anyway, last night I was so frustrated because I have been trying for several weeks to plan out the two and a half week trip that I am taking with my oldest daughter in May. So, last night (Friday), I realized that Saturday morning I actually could "sneak" and do nothing, so I began working on the travel plans last night about 9 PM and stayed up until 5 AM and did it! I listened to CD's and the radio which actually played great songs and ate chocolate off my diet for a little personal celebration that I was having with myself. Then I went to bed and slept until 9:45 AM. I finished up most of the travel details and blogged, and now I am going back to sleep (about 1:15 PM) and plan to sleep about three hours. (My hubby is with the kids today doing basketball stuff today).
The trip begins in North Dakota and travels by car through South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, back to ND. Then, on a train through Montana, Idaho, Washington State, and then Canada (BC) for a two day respite. Then back on the train through Wash, Oregon and then back home to California.
We got three "Great Courses" on CD - college courses that you can buy on CD. The topics are a science overview, the history and development of the English language and Shakespeare commentary stuff.
Meanwhile, we decided not to have my youngest go to the school referenced two blog entries ago, but to wait until the following year. My oldest daughter is doing SO well, she has an incredible number of awards coming in. I am so proud of her. I am her secretary for her college prep stuff – LOVE IT! The boys are doing really well also, thanks for praying for Bradley (for those of you who remember that previous entry). God has great plans for Bradley (and the other kids He gave me). Bradley's job this summer is to read at least two hours per day this summer. (HE has agreed, because he has the rest of the time free. He is a fantastic reader, but I haven’t been able to get him to read much these past two years.) I got his library stack of books that I chose for him. Great Christian books (biographies, purity, prayer), and other great literature books and historical books (The Fall of the Roman Empire (3 volumes)).
Brandon, my littlest is starting speech therapy next year because he hasn't gotten his "r's" right despite my best efforts, and that is a blessing so have that set up, because I have been worried about that.
Husband is...great. A great prayer of mine was answered regarding him in my life. He spent two hours in a coffee shop last week with a Christian man who is a good friend of his. "What did I miss?" you may be thinking. Well, I'll tell you in heaven – or he will! Don't want to gossip, or feel uncomfortable talking about him in a way that I would feel embarrassed if he were to see. Just know this. God fulfills His promises and He is sovereign, and he can change the king's heart like a faucet, any way He desires. (This is not an invitation to share your theological perspective regarding predestination versus “free will,” unless you agree with me! Hehe.)
Acting Medical Director is going really well and is fun. However, I feel "attacked" (spiritually - for we battle not against flesh and blood) by one particular person at the hospital that seems to have a recurring pattern of throwing out darts in my direction. Help me to love and pray for her as I ought, and for God to protect me and establish His will in my life for His purposes and that I would walk in that with the confidence of a heart of a lioness. (There is a verse in Samuel about a courageous one having a heart of a lion). For the Lord’s purposes are not thwarted. Also, that I would be like Daniel, where his opposers/enemies could find no cause against him, except that he prayed to God in an open window, but that there wouldn’t be such opposition either. That God’s purpose for me I would walk in the way that Moses walked across the Red Sea. God says “go,” and I would hear the Shepard’s voice and I would go and He would open my path before me, according to His great and predestined path that He established before the foundation of the planet, that He knows, that He would have me to walk in, whatever it is. (Amen!)
I love you in the Lord yall! So glad you're interested.
posted by An Ordinary Christian | 12:53 PM