One thought. Okay two.
Okay. I can not resist. One more thought. (Oh, how I like to write! - no that's not the thought.)
As we say in Bible Study Fellowship, here's a "challenge" question. I can't call on you. You can answer it if you want though, and you can go outside the text of the verse itself. (Only BSFer's will find the true depth of this humor, but for the rest of the world, thank you for your patience.)
I have finally grasped the reality of Galations 3:9. (God's stirred me with that verse a couple of times before that I came across it but I didn't respond to the Lord's promptings initially.) -That it means what is says! Do you realize the tremendous implications of that verse? Talk about a head trip. For anyone who is willing, what are the implications?
posted by An Ordinary Christian | 9:12 PM
"So those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith."
The implications of that verse, I reckon, include:
(1)If we have faith, we are blessed (just like Abraham)!
(2)Since Abraham was justified by faith, those who have faith are justified too!
(3)The Scripture said, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." (Romans 4:3) - so those who believe God are righteous too!
Hallelujah Praise the Lord!
hey, i read a few of your recent posts and i like your blog. i like your definition of an ordinary christian. and i like when you said in one of your posts "heres what i ate today" and it was a scripture! nice to meet you! just dropping by.
God bless, bek
First please know we're praying for you all in all matters.
I have pondered the implications and of the many blessings given to Abraham the one I think I would like to avoid is to have a child in my old age (though I'm sure the verse means we too are justified by faith). ;-)
i will continue to pray for you and matt. may you have the best gift you can think of this christmas.
"Be still and know that He is God", now breath!!
The implications are the same as when Jesus told Thomas, "You have seen, so you believe, but blessed are those who have not seen ans still believe.
Let go of the nerves!...patience!
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