Friday, December 02, 2005

"Holiday" Party (Ghastly name, but that is what it was - no sign of Christmas, or anything, BTW)

"Thou will show me the path of life. In Thy presence is fullness of joy. At Thy right hand are pleasures forevermore." I meditated on that during my pedicure yesterday. It is from from Psalm 16 -a verse towards the end of the chapter.

The Bible Study homework fell into the foot water. I wiped it with a towel. I read the notes section with it sitting on a towel on my lap. It was about Genesis and Abraham. It spoke about the blessings of Abraham, in Genesis 12. That God would make him a great nation, and would bless him and all the peoples of the world would be blessed by him. And how he believed God. And about how he stumbled when the famine came.

It didn't talk about how Sarah trusted God, and did what was right, and did not give way to fear (I Peter 3), while she was stuck in the Egyptian camp, but I like to keep that in the forfront of my memory and mind at almost all times. It isn't my husband that I trust, no offense to him, but he is merely a man. It is God Almighty that I trust, as I obey my husband and seek to conform my ways to his desires. Almighty God, when my husband leads me to the Egyptian camp. Which will happen from time to time. Which I am in, in certain aspects of my life - our life, in our meatloaf of a human relationship, so to speak. But it is okay. God is able. So, I'm just keeping that thing I am praying about and concerned about and have been for as long as I have been married, on "simmer" on God's stove. (I've tried to get out on my own. That is wasted effort.) An incense of continual prayers going up to God, my Father.

"Don't forget about - "
"Don't stop sustaining us in -"
"Lord, thus far You have been faithful despite us, Lord. Don't leave us now in this matter - "

Oh Abraham, Abraham! How I love Abraham. And Sarah!!

I picked up my husband at the airport yesterday. It was raining. His plane was about 20 minutes late. I parked in the garage and waited for him to come down the esculator. Finally he did. He looked cute to me, by I remember what my daughter said over the phone to me last week upon seeing her Dad after a couple months. "Mom, you've got to do something about his hair." I thought to myself when I saw him, "I'm not going to do anything about his hair." Oh, a man's hair!

The conflict sprang up quickly and was unexpected. It was brief but potentially more difficult than it was. I prayed (no surprise.) He let it pass. So did I. So I won't discuss it anymore. Then we talked about what we were going to do that evening.

"This is what I had planned for tonight," I said.
"Did you forget I told you we have that holiday party to go to tonight," He said.
"Oh yeah. Well, that will be fine. It will be fun," I said.

Later at the party I looked into my husband's face and he looked at me like he did when we were dating. He looked at me like he were interested in me. Like he liked me. He was attracted to me.

For awhile I wasn't that attractive, because I let myself go to pot, to use an old fashioned expression of my mother's. But she always had kept herself looking nice, and my mother-in-law never did, so when I turned 40, I looked in the mirror and realized I had some serious work to do, and I had better get started. I had one of two roads I could take. One would involve effort. The other neglect.

I don't feel real comfortable at parties. My husband is a bit of an extrovert and always knows how to work a room. But he isn't "working" it. He is just a social kind of guy who likes people. That was one of the first things that I noticed about him when I met him, and what I admired, because I'm not like that.

At the party I wore high heel shoes. I only wear high heels about four times a year, since doing so makes me pretty tall. I am 5'7" normally. But my husband is 6'3", so when I go out with him I like to wear them. But I have to concentrate on walking without looking like I am going to topple over, because I am not used to them. I had on a gold skirt, black shirt, wine-colored jacket. The skirt and jacket were of a velvet -ie fabric.

My husband had jet lag, and had gotten up real early, so we got to leave by 7:30 PM, which is a wonderful time to leave a party for an introvert like me.

And now it is today. For the first time in awhile I didn't have to take the kids to school. Tonight is my child's sleep-over birthday party.

Now I want to pray and eat. Then make some calls for house repairs, orthodontist. Then work (another shortened day), birthday party. Tomorrow I will begin to exercise again. May God be with all I eat. I need Him to feed me. To pick out that food that I eat, and to enjoy the food He has chosen for me to eat, in Christ. Please do that for me Lord, today. You know that I need You in this.

"Dear Jesus the Christ, the Almighty God, the Single and Only God, the God that abides with man but is not man, the True God, my Father, the Son who is one with the Father, that God, my God, the God who ever lives and will ever live forevermore, the God who will marry the church of Christ and who has washed her with the Word. Thy Word is truth. You are truth. Jesus, my Friend, thank you for sustaining my husband and I for these 22 years. Thank you for Your faithfulness when I am not faithful. When we are not faithful. Thank you for sustaining us in our finances over all of these years, despite the fact that we are not like the good sower. We are like the bad sower, but You are faithful to us anyway. Help me to be like that to others. To show mercy and grace, remembering Your grace to us. Yet transform us that we may become like the faithful sower, the wise steward. Help make us like little children who come to You openly in our need and express to You our cares. Take care of us like a Good Shephard, and help us to take care of others in that same way. Sustain us in all the works that You want us to do. Make a great name for Yourself. Build a great nation for Yourself and bestow upon us, even all the blessings of Abraham, if such a thing were possible. Yet you tell me in Your word that it is. Lord, I believe You, even though, like Abraham, I can not see all the presents under the tree yet, but I see from afar - that city with foundations that will stand forever - my home with You in Paradise forever. Amen. And continue to be working the adoption matter out perfectly."

posted by An Ordinary Christian | 7:02 AM


Blogger Kitty Cheng said...

The way you described your 'connection' with your husband was sooo cute! Bless you heaps!

8:52 PM  
Blogger Live, Love, Laugh said...

awesome post about love and life.

As i read your prayer I thought how our God is so indescribable, as you posted about who He is, I felt a feeling of awe at the wonder of His name, His Being, His attributes. How magnificent He is and yes he is the one and only God, He is my helper and a Friend of mine.

God Bless you and your family, again I have been blessed as I read your post today!!!

11:38 PM  

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