I'm Blessed!
Today my daughter traveled into her 50th State. Yesterday I entered into my 50th State (that is because I have been to Connecticut before but she hadn't).
Today was kind of depressing, and then I realized that was because I just accomplished this really big goal and that is the way that that goes. I mean, there is the excitement for having gotten it done, and then there is the let down that is normal. The thing to do in that situation is to focus on your new goals.
Before I focused on the new goals, I thought about really what a big accomplishment that this was, that the Lord has been so gracious to let my daughter and I share. 50 states visited. Even if there was only one day per state, that is 50 days. Then there is Alaska and Hawaii. This has been quite an adventure for us over these past 5 years since we really set to doing this mother/daughter adventure. And the money and the time and support from hubby and other family, and, yeah. Wow. What fun it has been, but I am glad it is over, and just in time. For this time in my life is changing. This adventure began when I was home schooling my children. This adventure also involved the other family members for awhile, until it seemed that it was just going to be my daughter and I to carry it all the way home.
Now times are a-changing. Next summer my daughter will graduate high school. Currently, my life is going 90 degrees somewhere else, and just in time because my kids are growing up and my husband is becoming increasingly perfectly involved and perfected as an active and involved father. I am allowed by God to get more involved in my work and it is perfect for me, because my kids are transitioning onward and that is hard for me to deal with. Becoming more consumed in a different area, helps my family to grow naturally without an overbearing person breathing down their necks.
So, for the new goals. I made a list. But before I made the list, I realized what I really want. Not goals. Not accomplishments in this world. There is one thing I want. One thing I have. One thing I am looking forward to and it is found in Romans 6:5.
"Certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection."
Oh, to be like Him. But I suppose better than even that, is to be with Him. Who cares what I am, if I am with Him, in Him, seen by Him? That is fulfillment. What earthly goal compares?
"He is enough for me!" as the song goes. Oh, to find our fulfillment in Him, to rest in Him and be known in Him.
Okay, the new goals. What were they again?
Oh yeah. That I could be a successful medical director at my hospital for like ten years. That I would get my MBA in these next two years. That I would receieve what the Lord has laid out for me to accept my husband and family wrapping their world around my little career and likewise that I would accept the hospital wrapping itself around my being the medical director. Oh, and this is a good one - that I would love people from the depth of the heart according to Christ - and I wouldn't waiver, or be ashamed, but I would do it anyway. Other goals, that I would help my daughter get into her college program. That I would get right back into the eating and exercise program once I get back home from this trip and that I would be the Precepts Bible Teacher and allow the Lord to grow that according to His direction and plan. And all these things are up to God. If He wants to do them. But you know, God is so cool. He has really blessed me and my goals, but I have tried to construct these goals, not according to my flesh, but as I think they are consistent with God's working.
There is a really cool verse that I found in Colossians, I think it is there. It talks about Paul's purpose and says how he labors and "and striving according to God's power that works mightily in me."
Isn't that cool? To be running unencumbered, "striving" but not according to the flesh, but according to God's power and consistent with His purpose for our lives and that the power of God and the Holy Spirit would be mighty in us.
Remember, keep getting filled. Keep the tank filled with God's perspective and not our own ideas and thoughts of our little selves. Keep free from the drag that pulls us down and remember that when you are down for a day, that is called NORMAL. When you are discouraged because you give and give and who gives to you, that is called NORMAL and go on. And stop for more gas.
God bless you, and may you be filled in the inner man with His power that works mightily in you. For God's pleasure, be filled.
posted by An Ordinary Christian | 7:35 PM