Thursday, September 08, 2005


"Consider it all joy when you face trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith..." James
Well. What was today like? It was another day that the Lord was faithful to me,
where His hand was steadfast and His hope sure,
where His word soothed better than the food that I ate
and where the food was readily available and delicious,
where no one I know died and no one sick,
where there was money in my wallet and a smile shared between family and friends,
where the flag waved in the breeze, and the Christians I know all bowed their head freely to pray
It was a good day
A very good day
And it was a day that had enough difficulty,
and enough worry,
enough impatience
and enough grief,
enough fear
and enough sorrow
and lost hope in old dreams that have floated away like old seeds from a dandelion,
that Christ's touch
and the substance of faith
could be planted anew
in the depth of this heart,
for this day
and this hour
and this moment
that for all eternity
I may enjoy the fruits of His harvest that He has poured out into me during those moments that I was reminded,
and encouraged,
and forced,
to look to Him,
and He met me there
and we did a walk-about a bit together for awhile inthe day.

posted by An Ordinary Christian | 10:01 PM


Blogger Live, Love, Laugh said...

Awesome post, very thought provoking!!!

12:43 AM  

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