Friday, September 09, 2005


Esther was placed in her position for a time appointed for her and her world around her. She and her uncle knew that the circumstances were greater than their own individual plans. Sovereign (sp?) God was the chessmaster and Esther was made queen by God's design. I am but a pawn (sp?) on God's chess table, but I'd rathe be an usher in the house of the Lord than anywhere else - that is, no position is too small if I can be in God's kingdom. As an ordinary Christian, God can use me to do extraordinary things. The circumstances that God has placed all around each of us is basically Master controlled. I want to be like Esther and use my position, and be used in my position such that God can flow through me to manipulate circumstances the way He wants - to be used in circumstances greater than myself. And to do things greater than my ability.

Esther dealt with the authority (king) with grace and tact, not impulsively or rash. She sacrificed for the good of others. She had wisdom to be able to interpret the signs of the times.

Prayer: Almighty Lord God: Manipulate the circumstances around my life to suit Your desires and let me serve You with my life. Open the flood gates of heaven and act on my behalf. Help me to interpret the signs of the times and to act with tact, patience, wisdom and according to Your perfect timing. Give me grace to bless those around me, and to look at their needs rather than my own. Grant me favor to do Your will and move circumstances according to Your pleasure, glory and purpose. And if it is Your will, bring Brent home quickly, smoothly and with a great announcement of who You are: You are the Lord God who does what He wants and who loves His people. Do a great thing through my family. Give me courage and favor to imapct generations to come. Amen.

posted by An Ordinary Christian | 7:40 PM


Blogger Live, Love, Laugh said...

great post, awesome prayer! You are such a blessing to me, I so love to read your site but your comments always encourage me on my site!

2:58 AM  
Blogger Live, Love, Laugh said...

I came back again today and reread this post and it ministered to me again. Thanks for listening to the Lord and then writing about what He puts on your heart!

2:22 AM  

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