Saturday, January 21, 2006

The way it just is

Yesterday was a good day. Because nothing is too hard for my God that I cling to. BTW, you readers crack me up! Love the feedback, but I don't think it "changes" the way I think or feel, but helps me to refine and define the way that I think and feel, which, imntbho, is generally the best way to think and feel! Not that I'm right, but I probably am! Okay, this is my opinion, you're entitled to (be wrong) and think otherwise, but here are Andrea's 2 great she-facts for the day:
1) It is foolishness and inaccurate and confusing and dumb to deny one's real feelings of fear and pain, lonlieness, and this madness of doing so is an unfortunate and silly habit that is popular to fall into.
2) Successful dieting is a way of life that includes a regular array of delicious items we long for. The important fruit of the spirit to utilize is the spirit of self-control and that is what I am learning to incorporate - that and wisdom.

I don't need to debate about these she-facts and you may either realize their utility or not.
Love yall. Thanks for visiting this site And God bless the bloggers who intented it!.

posted by An Ordinary Christian | 8:46 AM


Blogger M. C. Pearson said...

Hey, I just heard from Pia's blog about Matt. I'm so sorry and will be praying that God will find someone for your family. I wish you joy in the Lord, my friend. Peace and joy.

12:29 PM  
Blogger Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

Yike! who's that guy up there. LOL This post sure attracted a strangey.

Oh, not you M.C.....LOL, the one above you!

LOL..Okay Andrea, you be the way you want to be, but for God's sake, lay off the Baclava....LOL

1:36 PM  
Blogger Vicki said...

Just discovered your blog via Corry's. God bless you!

3:25 PM  
Blogger audrey` said...

Oh yes Andrea :)
We must acknowledge our feelings and emotions in order to help ourselves and be honest with ourselves.
God is so awesome to enable us to experience a vast variety of emotions.
This makes our lives to be more exciting :)

4:44 AM  
Blogger Kerry M. Conway said...

"It is foolishness and inaccurate and confusing and dumb to deny one's real feelings of fear and pain, lonlieness, and this madness of doing so is an unfortunate and silly habit that is popular to fall into."

*sighs* i sm so there right now. i know it, yet i battle myself.

i know i have been putting far to much faith in people, this has left me feeling loniness and slight madness. (pms probably isn't helping me right now eighter.! lol)

anways, i can relate. i needed to read this post, thank you.

perhaps, i should bury myself in some books. a mental escape' is now needed!

your friend,


ps- the terrorist blog is spam. he visited me too. i deleted his comment. lol

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi andrea! feelings are real and we can't deny it. even God understands how we feel and why we feel them. it's part of being human. but we have God to give us a hope and a future. thinking of you, sis.

God bless.

7:53 PM  
Blogger Godwyn Lim said...

HE Knows Amen?! Freely you express, Freely we receive from you!

Praise the Lord, it's good reading about your life Andrea:-)

Jesus loves you heaps!

1:40 AM  

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