Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Glory to God

God has set up certain institutions and He has established that certain economies happen within the confines of His institutions. For example,
1. Governments
2. Marriage
3. Children under authority of parents
4. What you sow you shall always reap
5. God ultimately decides

There are a lot of parameters about the ways things go. When we try to fight against God's established ways, we just frustrate ourselves. To align yourself with His ways, we bring joy and peace to ourselves and others.

Certain tests come to prove our sincerity. If we are inwardly fooling ourselves, or outwardly trying to fool others, we will not do so well, because God knows what is really going on in the core.

How things seem to appear is not how things really are because the temporary is passing away and the eternal will exist forever.

God will reward according to truth and a complete judgment. If it looks like someone is being ripped off now, just wait, in the eternal end, everything will be fair and just. Things do not seem fully pure and just now because the end has not yet come and eternity does not yet reign.

I am trying to live accoding to God's institutions. Oh, one more rule/institution of God:

6. Man can not do anything of value without God actually doing the good through him

I try to live according to God's ways by submitting my will to the Father's and by trusting and enduring, looking to the prize: my great reward who is God Himself, within whom is all the fullness of glory, honor, praise and beauty.

posted by An Ordinary Christian | 4:41 PM


Blogger Ileana said...

OC, there is nothing good apart from God. He keeps us real. When we are not walking in His ways, we miss the mark. I was into "image" and appearances before I knew Christ. Now, I know it's not about me. When I focus on God and His will, that's when I'm being myself.

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"when we try to fight against God's established ways, we just frustrates ouselves." is so true! whatever we do if we go against his ways, we will fail for sure. and we will be disappointed over and over again. i have tested this so many times and it's a proven fact.

7:32 PM  
Blogger Kitty Cheng said...

All of your 6 points of institutions of God are so true. I know from experience that I have gone against God's will, and had suffered as a consequence. May we continue to learn to surrender our will to God's and obey HIM, and Him alone!

8:34 PM  
Blogger audrey` said...

May His Will be done!

It's so important for us to trust and obey Him.

Thank you Jesus!

12:19 AM  
Blogger kathi said...

This is my first visit to your blog (via debs). I've spent the last 20 minutes reading. I just wanted to say thank you, thanks for the time you take to witness and speak His truth.

4:45 PM  

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