Friday, December 01, 2006

My secrets and why my blog is annonymous

"Oh that Ishmael would stand before you!"

14 years later (or so), God says, "Take your son, your only son (Isaac) and offer a burnt offering."

Hope you know the stories and can fill in the blanks.

Do you know the song, "Wouldn't it be lovely, lovely, lovely..."

So as my mind darts around, I think of some cool ideas. Well, they're dreams, and I don't know if they are my way of escaping present troubles, if they represent good ideas or bad, if I am trying to build my own tower of Babble, or what.

Anyway, I wish that: (besides my "normal" prayers-these are the ecentric prayers of a semi-delerious one) :
1) That God would establish our businesses, and create a charitable corporation through us.
2) That my husband would do something extreme with his life, like go to Africa in association with our church and go to their 7 month Bible school they have there, and be a part-time missionary. I started to explain why in this blog, but that's just too complicated. It feels stupid to think of these things.

posted by An Ordinary Christian | 5:36 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know, i just remembered what you sent me last christmas. i proudly showed them to friends. nothing much really, andrea. i just want you to know that i'm thinking of you.

God bless. =)

10:54 PM  

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