Saturday, March 11, 2006

God can handle all of my life and its details

Can the God of the universe, who created the heaven and the earth, who knit you together in secret in your mother's womb handle your life and its many details and needs such that He can work all out together for your good? My God can handle my life and its complications, its valleys, its peaks (my moods!) and all the details therin!

Yesterday I was thinking what I would do later, and I gave my anxieties of it all to the Lord as I have been doing for years it seems, when all of a sudden it all clicked together in a new sort of way as I thought to myself, with a new depth of belief and freedom, and I may have even said out loud, "Who cares?! God can handle it!" He knows what I should do later in the day.

Some "self-made" people, who love motivation speeches, love Revelations where it speaks of the "overcomer," who love a good competion, the vigor of 5 AM bike classes and losing an extra ten pounds for the fun of the ability to do it, have a hard time not filling out the day planner. But I have learned to give up control. To yeild to the Power higher and more powerful than myself (I actually don't have "power"), to submit, to have Almighty God fill the depths of this empty vessel so that I may worship Him and become one with Him, to unite with the church of Jesus Christ forever. To fly away unto Christ, my only love, my only passion who is worth dying for. That is the God whom I serve and He has me in His hands and will perfect that which concerns me!

posted by An Ordinary Christian | 8:25 AM


Blogger kathi said...

What a wonderful devotional to start my morning with. Thank you.
Come up with 364 more of these, and you've got yourself a book.

9:14 AM  
Blogger Live, Love, Laugh said...

You are right, God will take care of all the things that concern us. Hope things work out the way you want, because what we want is not always what we need and sometimes the answer is not what we expect. Have a wonderful day in the Lord today.

2:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God can handle any concern we throw at Him. He is able. we can trust our lives to Him. no matter how hard it is, let's make an effort to let God be God in our lives.

God bless. =)

11:56 PM  
Blogger audrey` said...

God is able!

8:30 PM  

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