Another Day in the Life of an Ordinary Christian
I was so blessed that you guys did that work and looked up that verse from Gal 3:9, from my entry yesterday. What a blessing that was to me. If God blesses us, like He blessed Abraham, well, check out Genesis 12:1-3. That's one place that God spells out how He is going to bless Abraham. Which of those blessings do we get? And why? How would those blessings look in our lives?
My husband has been gone, like ten days now and all this running around is starting to get a little old. And I have no time to exercise. You see, their school is about 30-60 minutes away, and after school we have either karate or orchestra, most nights anyway. When we had home schooled, they got pretty involved in those activites, and we still do them.
This was my day today. Up at 5:20. Shower and get ready. My prayer partner called at 6 AM. We prayed until 6:25. Then off to the kids school by 6:45. At work by 8:15. Worked until 11:30 AM. The hospital is WAY slow, due to the holidays. So I don't have many patients. Plus I have cut back due to getting ready for Matt, and because I didn't want to be a work-aholic. I went to Target until 11:50, bought some things for my daughter's birthday this weekend. Went back to the hospital and ate at a pharmacy sponsored lunch until 12:35. The reps were pushing Depakote ER.
Then I called and got an appointment for a massage. Seems they're slow too. I had a 90 minute awesome massage. (The last massage I had was 2 1/2 months ago when I was in Boston. That was also the last time I had a pedicure. Of which, by the way, I will do tomorrow. Don't tell anyone. I want to keep this under-wraps. All this spoiling.) During the massage, I felt every muscle that has been so tense over these weeks and months. "Lily" was awesome. She said several times, "your shoulders are so tense!" After, while I was putting my things back on, I eyed the chocolates she had out. Rich, white and wrapped in a little celoophane ball; they were placed neatly in a dish. I ate two. They were wonderful. I figure, if I am going to eat it, I am going to enjoy it in the Lord. I arranged the other chocolates so it didn't look like two were missing.
Then I went to pick up the kids from school. We ate at Burger King and Quizmos. We watch "Little House on the Prairie" from the DVD in the car. They watch. I listen. I got the Grilled Chicken Ceaser Salad with Lite Italian. We went over homework. We went to the "K Street Mall" in downtown Sacramento and bought black pants for my son, size 10, for his orchestra concert on Sunday. Then we went to cello lesson, violin lesson. Then to orchestra rehersal. Then to Kohl's to find a "Santa hat or reindeer hat that I can wear to school tomorrow, please Mom," and a white shirt for my daughter to wear for the orchestra thing on Sunday - at the concert. Also bought a PJ ("Sponge Bob" style) for her, while my son read 31 pages of a Snoopy book, while he sat on the ground and waited for his sister. We will add that to his school reading log.
While I was at orchestra I sat in my car for awhile - sad that I could not find my Bible Study homework. I re-arranged the contents of the car. Apples, oranges and raisins that I bought eariler in the week, stuff from Target, a large "Priority" flat rate box from the post office that I will use to send stuff to Kentucky, mail from the office, mail from the PO Box, mail from the house. Still no BSF homework. "There it is!" A smile came over my face.
I left the car and I went into the orchestra rehersal room. I eyed for my two cute kids. Brandon's enthusiasm was great tonight. He was able to learn the stuff after all - he was a little young for the group, but his private teacher helped him be able to get through the music.
I read the newspaper for about six minutes. Then, my Bible study stuff. Here's what I meditated on at the end of my time. From John 14:verse? KJV: "Let not your heart be troubled. Neither let it be afraid." I thought about that song I had meditated upon about a month ago, "Be still my soul." And I also thought about how when Jesus was sleeping in the boat during the storm when he told the disciples to go to the other side. He wasn't troubled.
"Let not your heart be troubled." I thought about how "Let not" means I am not to let the heart get stirred up, or troubled, or afraid. I imagined the heart in a protective plastic box that was like in a display case, and I wasn't letting it get troubled or afraid. Okay. I get a little elaborate with imaginations that I use to remember....medical school caused that. But I like to meditate on God's word in this way, not only to remember, but because each word becomes more emphasized, like underlining and bolding in a book, but for the mind, for the soul, for eternity. For good.
The debate I have had with myself is whether or not to bother the social workers about what is happening with Matt. I haven't called anyone since last Wednesday. God is able. He is able to make all grace to abound....If they call me, then it really is God working. If I call them again and again, it is me, trying to work.
Oh, so much more I would like to talk about that happened today, and that I thought about, but only the time available in eternity would be enough. "And MAry pondered up all these things in her heart." It is time to go to sleep. Only seven hours (max) until I have to get up, and that is not enough for me! God bless you - Really. May God bless you. Yes, YOU!
posted by An Ordinary Christian | 9:50 PM